Campaign control panel
Campaign control panel
You can find the list of your campaigns in the Campaigns tab. The dashboard consists of two sections: the campaign control panel with some additional features and the filters panel.
Choose the necessary campaign to activate control buttons.
Buttons (left to right) :

+New - Create a new campaign.
Report - Detailed statistics on the chosen campaign. Statistics can also be accessed by double clicking on the campaign or choosing Report from the context menu.
Link - Copy your campaign URL.
Edit - Make changes to the selected campaign.
Clone - Create a copy of the selected campaign with the name <Campaign 's name> - Copy. The campaign copy can be edited in the newly opened window right after it is created.
Notes - Create and edit notes for the selected campaign.
Update cost - Update your campaign costs for a specified period of time.
Clear - Clear the campaign statistics. Used to clear test clicks received at the start of the campaign or during the moderation process in the traffic source.
Anti-fraud details - Detailed report on visits and clicks marked as suspicious.
Archive - Archive the campaign. You can restore your campaign by selecting Archive instead of Active in the filtering options. Click the Refresh button.
Select the required campaign and click Restore.
To archive a campaign does not mean to delete it. To stop traffic flow from and into the campaign, pause it by clicking the green icon next to the campaign name.
Export - Download the campaign data in the CSV format.
Charts - Сharts on clicks, visits, conversions, profit, cost and revenue.
Managing multiple campaigns
PeerClick allows you to work with several campaigns at the same time, view statistics, archive/restore them.
To select multiple campaigns, tick the checkboxes next to the campaign ID. You can select or deselect all campaigns by ticking/unticking the ID box in the column header.

To make it easier to work with a large number of campaigns PeerClick offers a range of filters. To update the statistics, click the Apply button after choosing the filter. Filtering options (left to right):

Search by campaign name or tag. You can choose between TEXT or TAGS search options. Search by tags is set by default.
If you choose to search by tags, the campaigns marked with the related tag(s) will be displayed.
If you search by text, only the campaigns that contain the text you have entered in their name will appear on the screen. -
Campaign type
Active - Only active campaigns are displayed, i.e. the ones that have not been deleted.
Archive - Your archived campaigns are displayed.
With traffic - Campaigns with the traffic flow within the specified period of time are displayed. If you are interested in today’s campaigns, for example, the list will be narrowed to the campaigns that received traffic today.
All - You can view the list of all your campaigns including the archived ones. -
Filter out your campaigns based on the traffic source attributed to them. You can change it in the campaign settings. All the campaigns with all sources are displayed by default. -
You can add the campaign to a group. It’s convenient to group campaigns by countries, verticals, types of traffic, etc. All campaigns are displayed by default regardless of their group. -
This option is available only if you added multi-users. It allows you to view campaigns available to your multi-users. -
You can set a time range to view the campaign statistics for the specified period of time. Select the necessary dates from a pop-up calendar if you choose the Custom range option. Click the Apply button. -
Update / Apply
The buttons are used to update and apply the changes made. The Update button is the default one. When you select any grouping / filtering option, it changes to Apply.
By clicking Update, you refresh the open tab and all selected filters are saved.
By clicking Apply, you apply the selected filters to your campaigns.
Statistics table
Statistics table consists of several rows. Each row in a table represents a separate campaign. Sort the statistics by clicking on the column header/metric you want to sort it by. Click the down arrow next to the column header on the right to sort the values in the descending or ascending order.

You can add or remove the columns/metrics in the metrics display settings - the gear icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. You can also specify the number of campaigns to display per page. Use left and right arrows to navigate from page to page.

Updated over 4 years ago